For travel agencies arranging tailor made group tours we have a full service package available. We take care of everything including baggage delivery, hotel check in and payment, meals, reservations and entrance fees.
We pass on the price of hotel reservations without any markup. However, there is a markup of 15% for other expenses.
Wage: 20,000 yen/day (8am-8pm).
Meals: 2,000 yen/day.
Hotel or Travel: 7,000 yen/day.
Gasoline: 5,000 yen/day (up to 300km).
Tolls: 5,000 yen/day.
Parking: 5,000 yen/day.
Vehicle hire and insurance: 10,000 yen/day.
Note: +10,000 yen/day for vans and +55,000 yen/day for buses.
Sales Tax: 10%.
Online Payment: 4%.