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Full Service Tailor Made Tours for Travel Agencies

For travel agencies arranging tailor made group tours we have a full service package available. We take care of everything including baggage delivery, hotel check-in and payment, meals, reservations and entrance fees.

If you also require hotel reservations, we can reserve at a discounted price and pass on the cost without any markup.


Wage: 20,000 yen/day (8am-8pm).

Meals: 2,000 yen/day.

Hotel: 7,000 yen/day.


Gasoline: 5,000 yen/day (up to 300km).

Tolls: 5,000 yen/day.

Parking: 5,000 yen/day.

Vehicle hire and insurance: 10,000 yen/day.

*** Note: +10,000 yen/day for vans and +55,000 yen/day for buses. ***

Other Expenses

Travel Agency Booking Fee: 15%.

Sales Tax: 10%.


5 seater: 68,310 yen/day.

14 seater van: 80,960 yen/day.

28 seater bus: 137,885 yen/day.


Online Payment: +3.6%.

Currency exchange (cash): +3%.

Currency exchange (direct deposit): +2%.

Surcharge for tours outside Chugoku region: +20,000 yen (1st day only).

One way fee (when starting and finishing tour in different cities): +68,310 yen.